The CCEM is a collective of companies that organizes international missions, business meetings and presentations of know-how of member companies. The actions carried out for more than ten years by the collective with the economic and political authorities of Miami and Florida have been rewarded several times. The CCEM also collaborates with partners in other geographical areas. The CCEM is also able to offer tailor-made support formulas to adapt to the needs of companies. We have acquired an expertise and skills that allow us to organize actions and events. This allows us to promote all types of companies, in all sectors. Our members can thus make themselves known, concretize their international projects and benefit from the network of CCEM experts pooled and shared. Thus we facilitate the approach of the companies which gain time, save money and avoid the risks related to an isolated export approach.
Ver másOrganization of Technological Intelligence Professionals Open It Martinique is an association of professionals in the field of computer science, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and DIGITAL. Open IT Martinique has more than 15 years of existence in this sector and aims to bring together professionals and to present to the public the various trades and the state of the art in these fields
Ver másIHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values. One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes. IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels. Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people. IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks. Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.
Ver másIDP, with branch offices in Italy and in Brussels, was established in 1996 by partners working since 1991 in Brussels in the frame of EU policies and EU funding programmes. It relies on more than 20 year experience in the development, submission and management of successful EU projects. Since 1999, IDP develops and carries out also specialised training courses for VET and Adult learners focused exclusively on EU related issues (EU Institutions, policies, programmes, project management etc), delivering an average of +1000 hrs/year of training to +550 adult attendees/year. IDP organises also study visits in Brussels to the EU Institutions or the participation of groups of AL to major EU events (such as the Open Days of DG Regio); moreover, it takes part in all EU events held in Brussels (Info days, conferences, meetings etc) and has regulars contacts with officers and representatives of Brussels-based Institutions, practitioners, associations and projects. As a training service provider, IDP organises, manages and delivers high quality specialised training for Local and other public authorities, focusing on the various aspects of project management, planning, financial management, implementation, fund-raising, etc In addition to serving the public and third sector, IDP offers services to institutional clients from both national and regional governments. Moreover, IDP is currently a contractor of the EU Institutions/Agencies having been awarded in 2010 two contracts on the basis of competitive bidding.
Ver másEstablished in 1955, IAL is a VET provider and practitioners with more than 50 years of experience: in the last three years IAL FVG delivered VET services to an average of 10.000 students in the age bracket from 13 to 64. With more than 380 staff members employees, 8 training center an average turnover of 19 Ml EUR (18/19), IAL is the leading organization in the regional VET field. For that purpose, the institution is involved in training, research, guidance and advice in Friuli, Italy and even an EU level. IAL FVG is credited for all its offices from the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, adopts the Quality Management System certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 and belongs to the register providers ECM (Continuing Medical Education) of the Ministry of Health. IAL FVG is Lead partner member of the Effe.Pi consortium, in charge of all the youth VET activities financed by the Regional Government of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region: the 12 members are all accreditated VET institutions and they cover the whole territory and all the training sectors. IAL FVG is also LP of the APPRENDISTI.FVG consortium which brings together 20 partners. These subjects deal with the training of all apprentices hired with a professionalizing path, external training and pedagogical support for companies. IAL FVG was a partner of the regional project "Imprenderò 4.0" aimed at promoting entrepreneurial culture, business creation and transfer financed by the Regional Operational Program ERDF 2014-2020. IAL has therefore gained considerable experience in adult education (unemployed, employed, and SMEs entrepreneurs). IAL FVG is also an active centre of regional and national networks connected to Research and Development and the business innovation sector. Through its training and consulting activities IAL has acquired wide experience in the area of entrepreneurship. IAL FVG provides administrative and management experience for many projects also implementing ICT and web community activities. IAL also participates in analysis and identification strategies about quality and qualifications in collaboration with various VET institutions, public and social partners (in the context of the Lisbon and Gothenburg Process and the Qualification Frameworks in Europe). An key economical component in the IAL system consists in complex multi-regional and trans-national projects, where training is integrated with other types of assistance such as research, consultancy and testing of new models.
Ver másInternet Web Solutions es un proveedor líder de tecnología de la información (TI) y servicios de ingeniería informática con sede en Málaga. Su plan de negocios ha recibido el premio finalista de la Ciudad de Madrid en el Concurso Nacional de Negocios, patrocinado por la Escuela de Negocios IdeCesem. Internet Web Solutions está especializada en ámbitos como la de Diseño Web Profesional, Desarrollo Web, Desarrollo de Software, Soluciones E-Commerce, proyectos y estrategias de E-learning y estrategias SEO. También ofrece soluciones de marketing en línea y servicios de traducción de calidad. Internet Web Solutions ofrece alta tecnología, diseño web de calidad, desarrollo Web y servicios de desarrollo de software con las últimas tecnologías Web emergentes y, en particular, PHP, Java Script, Ajax y DHTML. Internet Web Solutions posee un equipo de profesionales de Software/Web, diseñadores creativos, desarrolladores, expertos en SEO, programadores, desarrolladores de software y profesionales de marketing. Nuestro objetivo es hacer que la tecnología sea mucho más accesible al público general y especializado.
Ver másRegional Development Agency of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica is located in Goriška region of West Slovenia. RDA was established by 6 municipalities in 1999 in order to unite all local, regional and national potentials and to realize development projects financed with national and international resources. The RDA covers an area of 6 municipalities, with 60.000 inhabitants. The administrative center of the region is Nova Gorica. THE MISSION OF RDA OF NORTHERN PRIMORSKA is to stimulate development in economic, social, environmental and spatial area in Goriška statistical region; to prepare and implement Regional Development Program and other joint development programs; to gain national and international financing resources; to advise, stimulate and support local entrepreneurship. The RDA is active in different fields of work: Local Business Centre stimulates development in SMEs and promotes innovative activities including new technologies in different fields; Department for Regional Development and International Cooperation, which takes care of sustainable development in Goriška statistical region; Project Office, which takes care of constant information to all target groups; Department for Rural Development encourages the development of the countryside, seeks partnerships for implementation of developmental initiatives and takes care of the preparation and implementation of local developmental strategies.
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